Project details

Services rendered: Design Integration Maintenance

Project description

The project on equipment of sales areas of Shopping Center Darynok (Kyiv, Ukraine) by multizonal sound system. The system is intended for advertizing and background sound. Technical solution was implemented on the basis of the world’s leading equipment manufacturers – TOA, Kramer, Bosch.
The sound system allows to operate in an automatic mode separately each of 32 sound zones. With the help software, designed by specialists of the RCI Consulting company, the sound system allows staff to set the broadcast level for each audio area, according to calendar – time schedule .
Project on maintenance of the background and advertising sound system, that was built 2013 by the company.
During the last two months, there were done works to improve the multi-zone sound system, namely, the management of local sub-zones in four locations for organizing operational disconnection of these subzones from the central sound system.
Necessity of this modernization is connected with various events in the halls of the shopping center. As a result, it increased the level of comfort of the visitors of the shopping center “Darynok”.
All works were carried out by the service department of RCI Consulting using replacement equipment without a long term interruption of working of the sound system.