What is Wi-FI Monetization?

Monetization of Wi-Fi – this is the extraction of profits using services based on the guest Wi-Fi (Hotspots). RCI-Consulting offers a cloud solution that will allow you not only to return, but also to increase the money spent on organizing and servicing seemingly unprofitable free Wi-Fi.

Monetization Mechanism

On the user’s device appears Splash-page, branded for your institution, with a proposal to connect to Wi-Fi through an account in social networks or enter an e-mail. The system reads all user profile data, analyzes and stores them in your record on the cloud platform. The received information, can be easily sorted, exported and analyzed with the help of created various reports. Thus, in exchange for free Wi-Fi, you get access to demographic and analytical data on the user’s device.


Using the marketing and advertising tools offered on the platform, you have the opportunity to interact with your customers in real time. For example, you can set up targeted advertising campaigns (including using custom coupons) for different categories of customers based on gender, age, number of visits, or other criteria.

The platform interface is intuitive to everyone and does not require special knowledge and skills. Installation and configuration takes only a few hours and allows even a very prepared user to customize this solution for their business and the same day begin to benefit from the solution.

How does it work in practice?

Your customers connect to the guest Wi-Fi (Hotspot) via their social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Instagram or Linkedin) or enter their email address. Then you can directly communicate with the client. During the presence of a client in your institution, you can display advertising messages on his device on Splash pages, thereby encouraging him to make an impulse purchase. Also, you can send promotional offers, discounts, coupons, etc. in the form of messages to e-mail or to an account in social networks. As a rule, such messages contain QR-codes, which the client should show in your institution to pay off the promotional coupon.

Examples of encouraging and involving customers

Ability to return a client

Even if the client visited your institution only once, in most cases, he used such a convenient and free guest Wi-Fi (hotspot). And this means that you already know the information about this client and have the opportunity to correctly motivate him to visit your institution again. In addition, do not forget to ask customers to put Follow or likes on your institution on Facebook. After all, in this case, information about you will be available to all friends of the client, and according to statistics, this is a minimum of 50 people for only one user. Effective for promotion is the campaign “Invite a friend.”

Solution Value

We understand that no one knows your business better than you, and developed our platform, taking this into account. Traditional advertising can cost huge money every month, and they can be wasted. The platform provides an opportunity for businesses to monetize the Wi-Fi service, turning costs into a valuable marketing tool necessary for daily operations.

But the main value of the solution for monetization is the opportunity to build a closer relationship with your customers. After all, the development strategy of any business only through the provision of discounts does not always financially justify itself. Is not a guarantee of building long-term relationships with customers, since it teaches the client to buy only when there is a discount. Be attentive to your customers: congratulate them on personal events (birthday, wedding, etc.), thank them for visiting your institution or buying, encourage more loyal customers. After all, thanks to the analytical and advertising tools of our platform, they will bring referrals to you, which will fill up the ranks of your loyal customers or even fans.

Advantages of Monetization

Summarizing all the advantages of the platform for monetizing Wi-Fi, you can distinguish the following additional opportunities for your business:

  • deep understanding of their customers, their insights and preferences,
  • growth in the customer base,
  • increasing customer loyalty,
  • Strengthening the company’s brand,
  • increase the presence of your company in social networks,
  • more sales to existing customers,
  • Reduce advertising costs,
  • Content filtering,
  • increase the number of referrals (Referrals),
  • attracting new customers,
  • Selling advertising spaces to sponsors,
  • turning customers into fans,
  • Real-time sales and advertising,
  • manage all your pages in social media, posting posts, updates in one application,
  • Data extraction and integration with your own system (API),

Learn More:

Cisco CMX



Registration of licenses

Wi-Fi Analytics